Here in the Kootenays, B.C. there's a group that helps injured birds. They're called "BEAKS" (Bird Emergency And Kare Society) and here's their link:'re having a silent art auction on June 5,6 & 7, 2009 at the Chahko Mika Mall in Nelson, BC . I'm going to make and donate a painting to help raise funds for them. Why?Last week we put a wire fence around our vegetable garden (to keep deer out).The fence blends in and is almost invisible, how nice! At least that's what we thought.Well, wouldn't you know it...a robin flew into it. He recovered soon enough & was able to fly away. Thank goodness!So now I've put bits of tape all over the fence. It might look a little tawdry,but at least it's visible, so hopefully no birds or animals should run into it.Anyhow it got me thinking about my feathered & furry friends and how we impact theirworld with our activities, big & small. I'm hoping that this little blurb will help promote BEAKS, and maybe remind my friendsto consider how we might be impacting our little neighbours, when we do things.
Enjoy your day, I've gotta get painting!May 4- update
I'd already started this painting a month or so ago.
Instead of canvas I was using a piece of wood.
If you want to know more about it, I'll do a new blog ( link goes in here)
Last night I finished it (still needs a title- suggestions welcome!)
So if you're in the Kootenays, stop in at the see
BEAKS silent auction. June 5,6,7
Chako Mika Mall in Nelson, BC.
I'm gonna try & add a photo of it here...
Ok, I tried to add it, but instead I made it my profile photo.
Oh well, good enough (for now).
At least now my few on-line friends can
see it.(Photo of "Twittering In The Trees" goes here.)
Update: May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
We're having a beautiful sunny day in the mountains,
and here I am watching "The DaVinci Code" on tv, and
"playing" on the computer.
Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know that I've followed
through with my plans. I met with Cindi from BEAKS, this
week and gave her my painting, which I'm calling
"Twittering In The Trees".
I'm a bit apprehensive, since I've never "shown" one of my
paintings, to the public.