Monday, September 26, 2011

Neighbourhood birds in photos and video

I have a hard time getting decent photos of birds. They're so shy and always moving, hence bribery with sunflower seeds and video.

These chickadees and nuthatches
are visiting us daily, for the handfuls of sunflower seeds we put out for them.

They fly away quickly after "stealing" one seed at a time.

These turkey vultures in the trees
were waiting for their share
while being harassed by huge ravens.

This little sparrow (I think it's a song sparrow),
but he was very quiet while dodging me and
my camera, in the bushes.

The video of the Steller's jay, is more so you can
hear it's alarm call- of course it was alarmed
because I was trying to take it's picture.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bird nests- webcam links

We see a lot of osprey here in the Kootenays,
as they go about their day to day lives, but it's always from
a distance.
Creston Valley Wildlife has set up a webcam at an osprey nest,
it's amazing to see them up close like this!
I hope you'll enjoy watching them too. June 2011

Here's a link to the Hornby Island Eagles nest. June/2011.

Eastern Phoebe nest with 4 chicks. June 2011